We offer balanced HR solutions that blend talented people with the demands of a fast-paced business.
We offer balanced HR solutions that blend talented people with the demands of a fast-paced business.
By consulting clients, we help them manage the challenges of finding, selecting, recruiting, employing, and outplacing employees.
Sustainable solutions are determined by professionalism, experience, and market knowledge.
our company is an active participant in the Lithuanian labor market and is currently one of the top business partners.
experience in creating added value for clients and candidates on a global scale.
we are recognized and seen as the most ethical HR company in the world.
Outplacement: A Key to Talent Well-being and Protecting Your Organizational Reputation
Did you know that 7 out of 10 employees in Lithuania experience anxiety, anger, sadness, and fear during layoffs?* Such feelings can lead to negative feedback from former employees, impacting your organization’s reputation. These sentiments often surface in conversations with colleagues, friends, family, and even social media, shaping public perception. To help make layoffs smoother for both the company and its employees, consider Manpower’s Outplacement Program. This program supports companies and employees through transition, preserving organizational image and offering employees valuable career support.
This program provides essential support for employers who want to:
How does the outplacement program work?
Manpower’s Outplacement Program focuses on practical and emotional support, preparing employees for new career paths through one-on-one sessions with career counsellors. Our career counsellors collaborate with your company’s employees on a one-of-a-kind Right Management program designed to manage professional career transitions individually.
For starters, we work with participants to set clear goals and develop a plan, covering topics like self-awareness, resume development, and interview practice. The program ensures confidentiality, professionalism, and a supportive environment. According to ManpowerGroup, 80% of participants achieve their set goals within 6 months.
In addition, this program is tailored to both the employer’s and the participants’ personal needs. The service provides useful insights from a team of experts on career transition issues for both individual professionals and organizations. Our packages are adaptable to each company’s and employee’s unique requirements, with options including technical, emotional, and practical career change support. Customization options include:
The topics we offer to study during the employment program cover:
Each topic can be customized to meet specific individual needs.
For more information, please contact Evelina to set up a meeting.
In addition to outplacement, Manpower offers individual career counseling to support employees facing job search challenges or pursuing new directions. The individual consultation program is created considering your unique personal situation and is based on the experience of our colleagues at Right Management. We keep your story confidential throughout the process.
By communicating with program experts, you will find answers to your questions if:
Whether seeking new opportunities or a fresh direction, our team is here to support every step of the career journey.
To discuss your needs, don’t hesitate to contact Greta for more information.
*2024 in September a representative public survey “Spinter research” was conducted, during which 1,008 people aged 18-75 from all over Lithuania were interviewed.
** Data from the insurance company Willis Towers Watson.
Darbuotojų išdarbinimas (angl. outplacement) – sėkmės raktas į talentų gerovės ir organizacijos reputacijos užtikrinimą
Ar žinojote, kad net 7 iš 10 darbuotojų Lietuvoje atleidimo metu patiria nerimą, pyktį, liūdesį, baimę?* Šie jausmai lemia prastus buvusių darbuotojų atsiliepimus apie organizaciją. Dažnai jie girdimi pokalbiuose su kolegomis naujoje darbovietėje, bendraujant su artimaisiais, tačiau kartais apie išgyvenimais pasidalinama ir viešojoje erdvėje, o tai daro įtaką organizacijos įvaizdžiui. Tam, kad atleidimo procesas būtų kuo sklandesnis, kviečiame susipažinti ir pasinaudoti Manpower išdarbinimo (angl. outplacement) programa!
Tai sprendimas darbdaviams, kurie siekia:
Kaip veikia Manpower išdarbinimo programa?
Išdarbinimo programa yra paremta praktiniu ir emociniu darbuotojų palaikymu karjeros pokytyje. Todėl ji teikiama rengiant sesijas, kurių metu darbuotojas kaskart jaučiasi vis labiau pasirengęs karjeros krypties keitimui, darbo paieškos procesui ar sugrįžimui į darbo rinką. Konsultuodama jūsų įmonės darbuotojus mūsų ekspertų komanda dirba pagal unikalią „Right Management“ programą, kuri sukurta valdyti profesionalų karjeros pokyčius pagal individualų poreikį.
Pirmiausia, kartu su programos dalyviu išsikeliamas tikslas ir sudaromas aiškus planas jam pasiekti, apimant temas nuo savęs pažinimo iki darbo interviu simuliacijų. Konsultacijų metu užtikriname profesionalumą, palankią atmosferą bei konfidencialumą. Remiantis „ManpowerGroup“ duomenimis, net 80 proc. mūsų išdarbinimo programos dalyvių pasiekia išsikelta tikslą per 6 mėnesius.
Be to, ši programa pritaikoma tiek pagal darbdavio, tiek pagal asmeninius dalyvių poreikius. Paslaugos metu suteikiamos naudingos ekspertų komandos įžvalgos karjeros kelionės klausimais ir specialistams individualiai, ir organizacijoms. Darbdaviams siūlome individualius paketus, kurie gali apimti darbuotojo techninį, emocinį ir praktinį pasiruošimą karjeros pokyčiui. Išdarbinimo paslaugos paketai sudaryti atsižvelgiant į galimas skirtingas sąlygas, į kurias mūsų klientai atkreipia dėmesį pokyčių metu:
Temos, kurias siūlome nagrinėti išdarbinimo programos metu:
Temos lanksčiai parenkamos pagal poreikį ir pritaikomos jūsų iškeltam tikslui.
Norėdami apie programą sužinoti daugiau – susisiekite su Evelina dėl susitikimo!
Manpower taip pat teikia ir individualias karjeros konsultacijas. Ši paslauga – viena iš išdarbinimo programos dalių. Ji skirta kiekvienam, kuris susiduria su tam tikrais keblumais ar siekia naujų iššūkių savo karjeros kelyje.
Individualių konsultacijų programa sudaroma atsižvelgiant tik į jūsų unikalią asmeninę situaciją ir remiasi kolegų iš „Right Management“ patirtimi. Viso proceso metu užtikriname jūsų istorijos konfidencialumą.
Bendraudami su programos ekspertais rasite atsakymus į savo klausimus, jeigu:
Nesvarbu, ar ieškote naujų galimybių, ar naujos krypties, mūsų komanda yra čia, kad palaikytų jus kiekviename karjeros žingsnyje.
Norėdami aptarti savo poreikius, nedvejodami susisiekite su Greta – suteiksime nemokamą konsultaciją telefonu ir pasidalinsime informacija.
*2024 m. rugsėjo mėn. atlikta reprezentatyvi visuomenės apklausa „Spinter tyrimai“, jos metu apklausti 1008 18–75 metų amžiaus žmonės iš visos Lietuvos.
** Draudimo bendrovės „Willis Towers Watson“ duomenys.
A versatile and responsive solution to meet your requirements, whether for a short-term project or a long-term placement.
Our temporary and permanent staffing solution allows you to focus on your core business while we handle the hassle of finding, hiring, and administrating the right people.
We are prepared to add value by taking over all functions associated with the recruitment, selection, placement, and administration of temporary or permanent employees, as these processes require time, diligence, expertise, and experience.
Staffing solution provides value:
During temporary or permanent employment, we assume the employer’s responsibility for:
We can also agree on sharing additional responsibilities, so we look forward to learning about your requirements. We are confident that we will prepare a one-of-a-kind solution to achieve the desired result.
Lankstus bei operatyvus sprendimas, atliepiantis tiek jūsų terminuoto projekto, tiek ilgalaikio įdarbinimo poreikį.
Mūsų teikiama laikino bei nuolatinio įdarbinimo paslauga suteikia jums galimybę susikoncentruoti į pagrindinę savo veiklą ir visus rūpesčius, susijusius su tinkamo personalo atrinkimu, įdarbinimu ir administravimu, palikti mums.
Esame pasiruošę suteikti pridėtinę vertę perimdami visas funkcijas, susijusias su laikino ar nuolatinio personalo paieška, atranka, jo valdymu, įdarbinimu bei administravimu, nes šie procesai užtrunka, reikalauja kruopštumo, kompetencijos ir patirties.
Laikinas įdarbinimas naudingas:
Laikino ar nuolatinio įdarbinimo metu prisiimame darbdavio atsakomybę už:
Taip pat galime sutarti dėl papildomų atsakomybių pasidalinimo, tad nekantraujame susipažinti su jūsų poreikiu, kuriems, esame įsitikinę, jog paruošime unikalų sprendimą, užtikrinsiantį siekiamą rezultatą.
We provide our clients with a comprehensive range of solutions, from CV screening and candidate attraction to direct search recruitment.
Our recruitment, attraction, and selection projects are designed to improve your employer image by emphasizing your strengths to candidates. We place a high priority on creating a positive candidate experience during the recruitment process, as it forms their first impression of you as an employer. We only use the highest quality and most reliable assessment tools, procedures, and methodologies to ensure that we can quickly and efficiently understand the needs of your business and provide tangible added value.
We have outlined the main stages of the Manpower selection process. The in-depth client interview is perhaps the most essential step in our Manpower recruitment process. During this stage, we work closely with you to define the requirements for open positions and identify the skills candidates must have. We also learn about your company’s culture, vision, mission, values, as well as the expectations of managers and coworkers for the new employee. All of these factors contribute to the successful cooperation between both parties and ensure that the desired outcome is achieved.
Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO)
Our RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing) solution enables clients to rapidly and cost-effectively enhance their in-house human resources expertise on a temporary basis. Our professional Talent Acquisition Partners are fully equipped with the most effective and necessary tools to ensure the success of the project. The client determines the location of the assigned TAP, key performance indicators, timeframe, and other essential project aspects. The recruiter becomes part of the client’s team for a fixed or agreed period of time.
Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) ensures the success and timeliness of large-scale and high-load screening projects. It is handy when there is a surge in recruitment demand or a need for more resources to process a larger flow of candidates.
We manage all employer obligations, provide feedback, oversee the necessary processes, and meet deadlines throughout the process to minimize additional work for the client. We also offer insights and recommendations as needed to ensure that the client’s HR practices are of the highest quality, drawing on our practical experience and knowledge of the labor market.
With over 16 years of experience in executive, professional, and niche recruitment, attraction, selection, and placement, our talent acquisition partners understand and can attract candidates.
This specialization guarantees the best results and the highest return on investment in direct sourcing, also known as headhunting, which we carry out with the highest ethical standards and in strict compliance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). As a result, we attract top-tier, niche, or specific qualifications and extensive experience. It’s also likely the only effective method of recruiting candidates where the selection process is conducted confidentially.
(Sales managers, specialists, product supervisors, product managers, project managers, key account managers, business development managers, etc.)
(Administrators, consultants, assistants, customer service specialists with multilingual skills, etc.)
(Analysts, accountants, bookkeepers, financiers, auditors, controllers, shared service centre specialists, lawyers, data protection officers, etc.)
(Developers, IT administrators, IT architects, testers, IT team leaders, engineers, engineering managers)
(Administration, marketing, communication, procurement, human resource, logistics and transport as well as various other back-office positions)
(Consultants, store managers, regional managers)
(Quality controllers, operators, planners, foremen, various specialists, and managers)
These are our areas of strength; we thoroughly understand the issues employers face. We can attract junior to senior-level professionals and managers of representative offices, companies, divisions, and teams, based on our experience.
Klientams suteikiame visas būtent jiems reikalingas paslaugas – nuo gyvenimo aprašymų filtravimo, kandidatų pritraukimo iki personalo atrankos tiesioginiu paieškos būdu vykdymo.
Personalo paieškos, pritraukimo ir atrankos projekto metu prisidedame prie jūsų, kaip darbdavio, įvaizdžio formavimo, pabrėždami jūsų stiprybes bei patrauklumą kandidatų akyse. Taip pat daug pastangų skiriame tam, kad kandidatų patirtis atrankos proceso metu būtų kuo pozityvesnė – juk tai yra kandidatų pirmasis įspūdis apie klientą kaip darbdavį. Be to, naudojame aukščiausios kokybės, patikimus vertinimo įrankius, procedūras ir metodikas, kurios leidžia suprasti jūsų verslo ir industrijos, kurioje specializuojatės, poreikius, bei suteikti apčiuopiamą pridėtinę vertę greitai ir efektyviai.
Esame išgryninę pagrindinius „Manpower“ atrankos etapus. Pirmasis ir bene svarbiausias yra išsamus pokalbis su klientu, kurio metu kartu su jumis nustatome keliamus reikalavimus kandidatams į atviras pozicijas, identifikuojame, kokiomis kompetencijomis kandidatai turi pasižymėti. Taip pat daug dėmesio skiriame jūsų organizacijos pažinimui – kokia yra organizacinė kultūra, vizija, misija, vertybės, vadovų bei kolegų lūkesčiai naujam darbuotojui. Visi šie aspektai yra sėkmingo verslo pagrindas kurti darnų abiejų šalių bendradarbiavimą ir užtikrinti, kad rezultatas būtų pasiektas.
Personalo atrankos proceso nuoma (RPO)
RPO sprendimas suteikia klientui galimybę greitai bei efektyviai laikinai išplėsti vidinę žmogiškųjų išteklių kompetenciją. Kad jūsų projektas būtų sėkmingai įgyvendintas, mes paskiriame profesionalų atrankų specialistą, aprūpintą visais reikalingais bei pačiais veiksmingiausiais darbo įrankiais. Klientas pats nusprendžia suteikto atrankų specialisto darbo vietą, svarbiausius projekto našumo rodiklius, nustato laiko terminus ir kitus projekto atžvilgiu svarbius aspektus. Suteiktas atrankų specialistas numatytam ar sutartam terminui tampa kliento komandos dalimi.
RPO paslauga klientui užtikrins didelio masto bei aukštos apkrovos atrankų projektų sėkmę bei jų našumą laiko atžvilgiu. Tai efektyvu išaugus darbuotojų samdos poreikiui ar pritrūkus resursų apdoroti padidėjusį kandidatų skaičių.
Proceso metu mes pasirūpinsime visais darbdavio įsipareigojimais, grįžtamojo ryšio teikimu, prižiūrėsime bei užtikrinsime reikalingų procesų našumą ir laiko terminų laikymąsi, taip sumažindami papildomų darbų skaičių klientui. Taip pat remdamiesi savo praktine patirtimi bei darbo rinkos išmanymu padėsime klientui pagal poreikį teikdami įžvalgas bei rekomendacijas, kad kliento žmogiškųjų išteklių praktikos būtų aukščiausio lygio.
Jau daugiau nei 16 metų specializuojamės vadovų, profesionalų ir nišinių specialistų paieškos bei pritraukimo, atrankos ir jų įdarbinimo srityse, todėl mūsų talentų pritraukimo partneriai kalba kandidatų kalba ir geba juos sudominti bei pritraukti.
Ši mūsų specializacija užtikrina geriausius rezultatus bei suteikia didžiausią investicinę grąžą vykdant tiesioginę darbuotojų paiešką bei atranką, kitaip dar vadinamą „galvų medžiokle“, kurią vykdome remdamiesi aukščiausiais etiškumo standartais bei griežtai paisydami BDAR (Bendrasis duomenų apsaugos reglamentas). Šiuo būdu pritraukiame aukščiausio lygio, nišinių ar specifinių kvalifikacijų ir daug patirties turinčius specialistus. Taip pat šis kandidatų paieškos būdas yra bene vienintelis efektyvus metodas, kai atranka vykdoma konfidencialiai.
(Pardavimų vadybininkai, specialistai, prekių priežiūros specialistai, produktų vadybininkai, projektų vadovai, svarbių klientų vadybininkai, verslo plėtros vadovai ir pan.)
(Administratoriai, konsultantai, asistentai, klientų aptarnavimo specialistai su įvairių kalbų įgūdžiais ir pan.)
(Analitikai, apskaitininkai, buhalteriai, finansininkai, auditoriai, kontrolieriai, bendrų paslaugos centrų specialistai, teisininkai, duomenų apsaugos pareigūnai ir pan.)
(Įvairių kalbų programuotojai, IT administratoriai, IT architektai, testuotojai, IT komandų vadovai, inžinieriai, inžinerijos vadovai)
(Administracija, marketingas, komunikacija, pirkimai, žmogiškieji ištekliai, logistika ir transportas bei įvairios kitos back-office pozicijos)
(Konsultantai, parduotuvių vadovai, regiono vadovai)
(Kokybės kontrolieriai, operatoriai, planuotojai, meistrai, įvairiausių sričių specialistai bei vadovai)
Šie segmentai yra mūsų stipriosios pusės – mes puikiai išmanome šias sritis bei žinome iššūkius, su kuriais susiduria darbdaviai. Vadovaudamiesi turima patirtimi, gebame pritraukti ne tik nuo „Junior“ iki „Senior“ lygmens specialistus, bet ir atstovybių, įmonių, padalinių bei komandų vadovus.
We provide complex data-driven solutions that ensure the attraction, recruitment, development, and retention of the most suitable employees today and in the future.
We are pleased to confirm our successful cooperation with UAB Manpower Lit.
In 2013 and 2014 Manpower Lit has carried out many professional recruitment solutions for our company in Vilnius.
They also provided temporary employment services during the same period.
The labour market is becoming more and more complex every year, and in order to ensure a strong and competent team, it’s better to entrust this task to professionals. Manpower made a great impression when I was on the other side of the “barricades” and looking for a job, so there was no doubt that my expectations would be met and fulfilled.
Manpower are professionals in their field, who go into every project down to the smallest detail, ensuring smoothness, clarity and lightning-fast results every time. Communication and positivity ensure that the needs are met.
It’s a great feeling when, after the final round, you can say that you have not just one, but several candidates that you would love to offer a job to, because Manpower is attentive to the company’s needs every step of the way. We are delighted with the new members of our team brought to us by Manpower.
No matter what challenges arise in the field of HR management – whether it’s the search for a new team member or the evaluation of an existing position in the market – Manpower is the partner we trust, believe in and know that, thanks to them, all of our challenges will be solved.
During the summer season, we faced a new challenge within the team – the lack of an employee for the position of Car Rental Manager. During the previous collaboration experience with the recruitment agency Manpower, we received effective results, therefore we chose Manpower as a partner for repeated assistance – the recruitment to an open vacancy. The Manpower team, together with a dedicated Talent Acquisition Partner, perfectly delved into our needs and professionally executed Car Rental Manager recruitment project in 2 weeks. Work processes went smoothly, communication was timely, providing all necessary help and information.
Manpower conducted the analysis and during the position briefing meting provided labour market insights as well as the recruitment strategy with relevant project timeline. The recruitment process was clear, transparent and streamlined, whereas communication was timely. The recruitment plan met the indicated deadlines, therefore after 16 business days, we had already confirmed the presented candidate – a Talent Acquisition Assistant – as an addition to the team of contractors.
This is the fifth year of our cooperation with Manpower and we have achieved good results in attracting new team members to the IT team. When a new need arose, we contacted Manpower again for a Full-stack .NET Developer position. The dedicated Talent Acquisition Partner handled the recruitment process well, was responsive to our needs and communication was smooth and on time. During the project there was synergy and synergy as we found ways to evaluate candidates who did not meet all the requirements, discuss and find the best solution.
Manpower has been our partner since 2020. During our cooperation we have carried out four recruitment projects in finance and marketing areas.
When an additional need for recruitment to the position of Order Coordinator for Baltics arose, we turned to Manpower again. The dedicated Talent Acquisition Partner was able to listen to our needs during the recruitment process and presented us with the right candidates, from which we were able to select the right one.
Together with our long-term partner Manpower, with whom we cooperate for temporary employment services as from 2011, we decided to try to solve the issue that arose in July regarding open vacancy to the position of a Chief Accountant with a support of recruitment solution.
Manpower’s dedicated Talent Acquisition Partner managed the recruitment to this position providing us the best results – an excellent employee who has already started working for our company. Speed, communication and promptness were demonstrated throughout the entire recruitment process.
Manpower Lit has always performed its duties fairly and efficiently.
We are satisfied with the cooperation and have no comments or complaints.
Since the start of the project, a large number of temporary staff have been transferred directly to Danske Bank, which highlights the high calibre of the temporary staff attracted by Manpower. We are pleased to confidently recommend Manpower as a reliable recruitment partner.
Our partner’s recruitment team has proven that it can attract high calibre candidates within a challenging timeframe and stringent requirements. We are happy to recommend Manpower Lietuva as a reliable HR partner.
The employed staff are qualified and meet all our and the positions’ requirements. The staffing for the administration and accounting services met our expectations and we have no complaints for Manpower Lit UAB.
From 2009, May until 2012, March, Sony Electronics UAB (together with its subsidiary company Sony Overseas S.A.) worked with Manpower Lit UAB on a recruitment project.
During this period of our cooperation, the team has proven its high level of professionalism and competence through its dedication and day-to-day work.
All tasks and duties were carried out on time and with exceptional quality. It is important to mention the efficient results, attention to the client, goodwill and professional attitude of the Manpower Lit team.
I have no hesitation in recommending Manpower as a strong and reliable business partner – I am confident that Manpower Lit will strengthen any project it contributes to.
Manpower Lit provides recruitment services to Bentley Systems Europe B.V. Lithaunian Branch since 2011 November. During this time, Manpower Lit has worked on a number of projects looking for technical staff. We are particularly pleased with the work of UAB Manpower Lit in recruiting a Technical Service Engineer for Bentley’s document management system ProjectWise. The position required quite specific skills and Manpower Lit provided us with a really ideal candidate.
The position required quite specific skills and Manpower Lit provided us with a really ideal candidate.
We are sending this testimonial to our business partners Manpower Lietuva for their excellent performance in providing human resources management functions and temporary employment services to our company Tradehit Lithuania.
Manpower Lithuania became our partner almost immediately after we entered the Lithuanian market in 2010 and quickly proved themselves to be reliable suppliers of professional services related to recruitment.
Božena Petikonis-Šabanienė and Renata Odinokova have successfully provided services for numerous projects and for our business in Lithuania. Their depth of expertise and proven reliability has enabled them to successfully deliver different projects.
Our experience with human resources management and temporary recruitment services allows us to strongly recommend Manpower Lietuva as a professional service provider.
We have entrusted Manpower with the search for a Product Development Manager. The Recruiter helped us to develop a recruitment strategy that allowed us to test the hard-to-measure creativity competency, which we identified as an important selection criterion.
In short, the recruitment process was a success. Even 5 of the 6 candidates submitted were strong and lived up to expectations, so we had to mobilise the whole team to choose one. Communication was smooth and the assigned Recruiter did an excellent job.
We approached Manpower with the need of recruitment solution for a second time. During the recruitment process, we had encountered some difficulties in the candidate search, which led Manpower to appoint another Talent Acquisition Partner who handled the task more smoothly. After Manpower apointed another Talent Acquisition partner the communication during the selection process was more sufficient and the information provided about the work done was timely. Today we have the result of a new colleague joining the team.
We are pleased to confirm our successful cooperation with UAB Manpower Lit.
In 2013 and 2014 Manpower Lit has carried out many professional recruitment solutions for our company in Vilnius.
They also provided temporary employment services during the same period.
The labour market is becoming more and more complex every year, and in order to ensure a strong and competent team, it’s better to entrust this task to professionals. Manpower made a great impression when I was on the other side of the “barricades” and looking for a job, so there was no doubt that my expectations would be met and fulfilled.
Manpower are professionals in their field, who go into every project down to the smallest detail, ensuring smoothness, clarity and lightning-fast results every time. Communication and positivity ensure that the needs are met.
It’s a great feeling when, after the final round, you can say that you have not just one, but several candidates that you would love to offer a job to, because Manpower is attentive to the company’s needs every step of the way. We are delighted with the new members of our team brought to us by Manpower.
No matter what challenges arise in the field of HR management – whether it’s the search for a new team member or the evaluation of an existing position in the market – Manpower is the partner we trust, believe in and know that, thanks to them, all of our challenges will be solved.
During the summer season, we faced a new challenge within the team – the lack of an employee for the position of Car Rental Manager. During the previous collaboration experience with the recruitment agency Manpower, we received effective results, therefore we chose Manpower as a partner for repeated assistance – the recruitment to an open vacancy. The Manpower team, together with a dedicated Talent Acquisition Partner, perfectly delved into our needs and professionally executed Car Rental Manager recruitment project in 2 weeks. Work processes went smoothly, communication was timely, providing all necessary help and information.
Manpower conducted the analysis and during the position briefing meting provided labour market insights as well as the recruitment strategy with relevant project timeline. The recruitment process was clear, transparent and streamlined, whereas communication was timely. The recruitment plan met the indicated deadlines, therefore after 16 business days, we had already confirmed the presented candidate – a Talent Acquisition Assistant – as an addition to the team of contractors.
This is the fifth year of our cooperation with Manpower and we have achieved good results in attracting new team members to the IT team. When a new need arose, we contacted Manpower again for a Full-stack .NET Developer position. The dedicated Talent Acquisition Partner handled the recruitment process well, was responsive to our needs and communication was smooth and on time. During the project there was synergy and synergy as we found ways to evaluate candidates who did not meet all the requirements, discuss and find the best solution.
Manpower has been our partner since 2020. During our cooperation we have carried out four recruitment projects in finance and marketing areas.
When an additional need for recruitment to the position of Order Coordinator for Baltics arose, we turned to Manpower again. The dedicated Talent Acquisition Partner was able to listen to our needs during the recruitment process and presented us with the right candidates, from which we were able to select the right one.
Together with our long-term partner Manpower, with whom we cooperate for temporary employment services as from 2011, we decided to try to solve the issue that arose in July regarding open vacancy to the position of a Chief Accountant with a support of recruitment solution.
Manpower’s dedicated Talent Acquisition Partner managed the recruitment to this position providing us the best results – an excellent employee who has already started working for our company. Speed, communication and promptness were demonstrated throughout the entire recruitment process.
Manpower Lit has always performed its duties fairly and efficiently.
We are satisfied with the cooperation and have no comments or complaints.
Since the start of the project, a large number of temporary staff have been transferred directly to Danske Bank, which highlights the high calibre of the temporary staff attracted by Manpower. We are pleased to confidently recommend Manpower as a reliable recruitment partner.
Our partner’s recruitment team has proven that it can attract high calibre candidates within a challenging timeframe and stringent requirements. We are happy to recommend Manpower Lietuva as a reliable HR partner.
The employed staff are qualified and meet all our and the positions’ requirements. The staffing for the administration and accounting services met our expectations and we have no complaints for Manpower Lit UAB.
From 2009, May until 2012, March, Sony Electronics UAB (together with its subsidiary company Sony Overseas S.A.) worked with Manpower Lit UAB on a recruitment project.
During this period of our cooperation, the team has proven its high level of professionalism and competence through its dedication and day-to-day work.
All tasks and duties were carried out on time and with exceptional quality. It is important to mention the efficient results, attention to the client, goodwill and professional attitude of the Manpower Lit team.
I have no hesitation in recommending Manpower as a strong and reliable business partner – I am confident that Manpower Lit will strengthen any project it contributes to.
Manpower Lit provides recruitment services to Bentley Systems Europe B.V. Lithaunian Branch since 2011 November. During this time, Manpower Lit has worked on a number of projects looking for technical staff. We are particularly pleased with the work of UAB Manpower Lit in recruiting a Technical Service Engineer for Bentley’s document management system ProjectWise. The position required quite specific skills and Manpower Lit provided us with a really ideal candidate.
The position required quite specific skills and Manpower Lit provided us with a really ideal candidate.
We are sending this testimonial to our business partners Manpower Lietuva for their excellent performance in providing human resources management functions and temporary employment services to our company Tradehit Lithuania.
Manpower Lithuania became our partner almost immediately after we entered the Lithuanian market in 2010 and quickly proved themselves to be reliable suppliers of professional services related to recruitment.
Božena Petikonis-Šabanienė and Renata Odinokova have successfully provided services for numerous projects and for our business in Lithuania. Their depth of expertise and proven reliability has enabled them to successfully deliver different projects.
Our experience with human resources management and temporary recruitment services allows us to strongly recommend Manpower Lietuva as a professional service provider.
We have entrusted Manpower with the search for a Product Development Manager. The Recruiter helped us to develop a recruitment strategy that allowed us to test the hard-to-measure creativity competency, which we identified as an important selection criterion.
In short, the recruitment process was a success. Even 5 of the 6 candidates submitted were strong and lived up to expectations, so we had to mobilise the whole team to choose one. Communication was smooth and the assigned Recruiter did an excellent job.
We approached Manpower with the need of recruitment solution for a second time. During the recruitment process, we had encountered some difficulties in the candidate search, which led Manpower to appoint another Talent Acquisition Partner who handled the task more smoothly. After Manpower apointed another Talent Acquisition partner the communication during the selection process was more sufficient and the information provided about the work done was timely. Today we have the result of a new colleague joining the team.
We are pleased to confirm our successful cooperation with UAB Manpower Lit.
In 2013 and 2014 Manpower Lit has carried out many professional recruitment solutions for our company in Vilnius.
They also provided temporary employment services during the same period.