Insights February 21, 2022

How to negotiate rewards in the face of the pandemic?

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The virus, which has brought chaos in the labour market, still poses challenges and uncertainties. You have a bunch of questions, is now the right time to negotiate your salary? You follow the information, what the pandemic is doing to the economy and you see when some companies are rapidly laying off employees and others are constantly growing teams? However, jobs in Europe should only increase. As many as 52% of the employers surveyed intend to hire and only 15% plan to lay off, according to manpowergroup’s 60th international survey of employers. Trust yourself and be prepared for the conversation at full capacity.

“During the career consultation, participants identify different motives for which they would like a higher salary. Often it all starts with internal dissatisfaction caused by certain external factors. For example, information about the fact that a new colleague who will perform the same tasks will be paid more, or the fact that for a while you do not feel that you are properly appreciated for your efforts at work.

– Olga Mesceriakova, a career consultant at Manpower, a coach.

Take an interest in the situation of the company

The expert advises before initiating a conversation with the manager to inquire about the situation of the company. Has the company you work for has been affected by the pandemic? All indicators can be found in the public domain, additionally check social networks, the company’s website. Talk to colleagues, ask if you have any insights, or maybe advice on what topics to touch on during the negotiations?

Set indicators with which you can name your experience and benefits for the company. Analyze the general experience of the company and its place in the market. Compare these data with the general situation of the labor market and what competitors offer. With such information, you will answer yourself many negotiating questions that will help you better understand the context. Show empathy for the company’s situation, especially if it is complicated, do not shy away from saying “I understand that it is not an easy time for the company”, and then talk about the benefits and value that you create.

Understand, negotiation is an exchange

You need to think about what you will offer the employer to raise your salary. “During the pandemic, knowledge from social media, such as social media, is having a big impact. about the fact that specialists in your position are in great demand. The pandemic has caused a lot of hype about training, opportunities for improvement. Having invested in this, the employee expects a proper assessment, a salary rise. In any case, first of all, I suggest that you answer yourself the question: “For what reasons, for what purpose would I like a higher salary?” And to be with yourself as honest as possible. Then you will either get rid of unnecessary tormenting reflections, or you will act decisively and consciously,” notes the coach.

Evaluate your results, describe experiences, mistakes and ups and downs. Make a list of pros and cons. Ask questions about your qualifications and where you can improve. If you see only the green light in the result, and the existing salary does not reflect expectations – you are ready for negotiations. Just do not forget to argue all this in detail during the conversation. In conversations of this kind, you need to leave the slightest medium for doubt, so polish the strategy as objectively as possible.

Don’t give the number ahead of time

Empathizing with the conversation, you may be tempted to go to the essence earlier than necessary. Don’t deviate from the plan where you climb those steps step by step with the arguments. Don’t knock the manager out of the rut by squandering salary preferences. Do not be impulsive. Let the interlocutor calmly think over his decisions. Understand that you may not get an answer right away, so you need to remain patient. Better be guided by gratitude and sincerity. If the manager agreed to sit down with you for this conversation, he trusts you and appreciates the joint time together. To be honest, you show how much preparation you put in for one hour and you will not hide your excitement – you will only bring humanity and respect. Negotiations don’t have to look like a battlefield. Peaceful roads bring more benefits to both sides.

Don’t let the distance eliminate liveliness

If the conversation takes place remotely, think about how to make it more lively. During negotiations, body language is very important, and when you speak to the camera, you lose some of it. For example, you can enhance the effect by preparing the visual material. Or maybe rehearse in front of the mirror with some facial mimicry?