E. Latyšovič: A Dilemma for Employers – Say Goodbye or Allow Remote Work?
Employers are increasingly facing a tough choice: let go of a talented employee or meet their desire to work remotely or in a hybrid model to retain them. This is driven by a growing trend among employers to bring their teams back to the office, met with resistance from employees.
According to a survey by KPMG International, 8 out of 10 employers worldwide want their employees to return to the office. At the same time, studies reveal employee perspectives on such decisions: data from Statista shows that one in five employees opposes mandatory office returns. In some cases, employees even choose to leave the organization if they are not allowed to work remotely. This creates a dilemma for employers: should they terminate the employee or allow them to work from home?
Special Conditions for Special Talent
If an employee who demands exceptional conditions is a highly skilled specialist creating significant value for the organization, employers are often more willing to compromise. For example, a middle ground might involve allowing remote work on specific days of the week.
However, giving in to such demands can risk the trust of other team members. Team dynamics may shift negatively, and discussions about why certain employees receive special treatment often become unavoidable. Employers must address questions from other employees about why they too cannot work remotely.
Therefore, before deciding to bring employees back to the office, employers should carefully consider how the team will react. Simple employee surveys or open discussions can be helpful. If it’s clear that certain employees need remote work to stay with the organization, employers must weigh whether they’re prepared to lose those individuals.
Beyond Black and White
Changing the working model of an organization is a significant shift, not only for leadership but also for employees. It alters daily routines and future plans. Some employees might need to wake up earlier to take their children to school, while others might have to give up certain hobbies to make it to the office on time.
Before implementing radical changes, such as bringing remote employees back to the office, it’s important to remember that numerous hybrid work models exist, including:
- Remote work with occasional office visits: Employees primarily work from home but come to the office for strategic sessions or important meetings. This allows flexibility for employees while still enabling in-person collaboration when necessary.
- Controlled hybrid model: Employees work from home only on pre-agreed days, such as Mondays or Fridays. This model provides clarity about work schedules and facilitates planning.
- Office-based work with occasional remote options: Employees primarily work in the office but can work from home when needed. While this model offers flexibility, it’s important to set limits to prevent abuse, such as specifying how many days per week or month can be worked remotely.
- Absolute hybrid model: Employees have full autonomy to decide where and when they work. This model is based on trust, with employees free to choose as long as they achieve organizational goals and do not misuse the flexibility.
The dilemma of whether to bring employees back to the office can often be resolved by selecting the hybrid work model that best suits the organization. It’s not necessary to choose between fully remote or fully office-based work. In most cases, the ideal solution lies somewhere in the middle.