Are you ready for your next professional challenge?

We collaborate with leading local and international
companies operating in Lithuania, enabling us to offer a wide range of job opportunities.

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Klientų aptarnavimo specialistas (-ė) IPF Digital
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Salary: 1435€ (Gross)
Type: Full working day
Senior Accountant, Fund Accounting Manpower
Location: Vilnius
Salary: 1700 - 2300 € (Gross)
Type: Full working day
Supervisor, Fund Accounting Manpower
Location: Vilnius
Salary: 2450 – 3150 € (Gross)
Type: Full working day
HR Coordinator Manpower
Location: Vilnius
Salary: 2600-2800€ (Gross)
Type: Full working day
Accountant Betsson Group
Location: Vilnius
Salary: 2423- 3256€ (Gross)
Type: Full working day
Ekspedicijos vadybininkas (-ė) Lenkijos rinkai Sherpa Logistics
Location: Kaunas
Salary: 2095-2455€ (Gross)
Type: Full working day
Verslo plėtros vadybininkas (-ė) Vokietijos rinkai Sherpa Logistics
Location: Kaunas
Salary: 2280-2800€ (Gross)
Type: Full working day
Verslo plėtros vadybininkas (-ė) NVS rinkai Sherpa Logistics
Location: Kaunas
Salary: 2095 – 2455€ (Gross)
Type: Full working day
Projektų vadovas (-ė) Effective Solutions
Location: Vilnius, European Union, Lithuania
Salary: 2500-2800€ (Gross)
Type: Full working day
Business Development Manager Effective Solutions
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Salary: 2500€ (Gross)
Type: Full working day
Statybos aikštelės vadovas (-ė) Telamon Bouw
Location: European Union, United Kingdom
Salary: 4300-6500€ (Gross)
Type: Full working day
ERP sistemų specialistas (-ė) Skuba
Location: Vilnius
Salary: 3140-3800€ (Gross)
Type: Full working day
Full-Stack programuotojas (-a) Skuba
Location: Vilnius
Salary: 3630-4460€ (Gross)
Type: Full working day
Edukacinių projektų vadovas (-ė) Lithuanian Junior Achievement
Location: Vilnius
Salary: 2300-2800€ (Gross)
Type: Full working day
Finansų kontrolierius (-ė) (terminuota sutartis) Energijos skirstymo operatorius (ESO)
Location: Vilnius
Salary: 3124-4686€ (Gross)
Type: Full working day
Vyr. buhalteris (-ė) Brolis Semiconductors
Location: Vilnius
Salary: 4400 - 5100€ (Gross)
Type: Full working day
Rinkodaros departamento vadovas (-ė) Manpower
Location: Vilnius
Salary: 4200-5800€ (Gross)
Type: Full working day
Business and Systems Analyst Manpower
Location: Vilnius
Salary: 2505-3850€ (Gross)
Type: Full working day
Buhalteris (-ė) Telamon Bouw
Location: Kaunas
Salary: 2280-2630 € (Gross)
Type: Full working day
Duomenų saugyklos centro vadovas (-ė) BS/2
Location: Vilnius
Salary: 3300-6000€ (Gross)
Type: Full working day
Administratorius (-ė) BS/2
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Salary: 1898-2454€ (Gross)
Type: Full working day
Data Analyst Manpower
Location: Vilnius
Salary: 2600-3800€ (Gross)
Type: Full working day
Administracijos asistentas (-ė) Manpower
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Salary: 1700-2100€ (Gross)
Type: Full working day

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Application process

Our goal is to make the application process quick and easy, consisting of 3 simple steps.

Applying for your desired position

Select the most suitable vacancy and submit your resume.

Evaluation of your CV

Our Talent Acquisition Partner will review your CV to see if you are a good fit for the position.

Contact with you

Our Talent Acquisition Partner will contact you after evaluating your suitability for the position. We offer constructive feedback to help you improve. We always provide constructive feedback to help you improve.